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Yuwell Group and China Unicom Sign A Strategic Cooperation Agreement

On June 18, Yuwell Group and China Unicom held a signing ceremony for a strategic cooperation agreement in Beijing, aiming to jointly build a new future for the digital healthcare industry. Chen Zhongyue, Chairman of China Unicom, and Wu Qun, Chairman of  Yuwell Group , attended the ceremony, with Peng Shengjun, General Manager of Jiangsu Unicom, presiding over the signing ceremony. Zhang Guopeng, Deputy General Manager of Jiangsu Unicom, and Jing Wei, Deputy General Manager of Yuwell Group, signed the agreement on behalf of both parties.

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According to the agreement, the two sides will deepen the strategic cooperation in the fields of enterprise management digitalization, product digitalization, and technology enabling globalization. More forward-looking, original and basic scientific and technological achievements will be transformed and applied to help upgrade the medical and health industry. And side by side open a new chapter of medical health digitization.

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Previously, Yuwell Medical and Unicom collaborated to launch a 5G + AIoT emergency rescue solution. They also jointly released the co-branded Yuwell PRIMEDIC Heart Save series of automatic external defibrillators (AED) to promote the establishment and enhancement of the social intelligent first aid and safety network.

During the meeting, the two parties jointly unveiled the "Jiangsu Unicom Government and Enterprise Digital Intelligent Enterprise-Health Edition Product." This product combines Unicom's networking communication and computing network intelligence with Yuwell's professional expertise to provide service scenario solutions for individual and corporate users, contributing to the advancement of the intelligent healthcare industry.

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The leaders of China Unicom and Yuwell Group relevant departments participated in the above activities.

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