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Yuwell Medical 2024 Core Customer Conference Successfully Held, Science and Technology Engine Drives New Quality Productivity

On April 10, on the eve of the CMEF, Yuwell Medical's 2024 Annual Core Customer Conference was organized in Shanghai. Wu Qun, the Chairman of Yuwell Medical, and the senior management team joined 300 core customers from around the world to examine cutting-edge medical technology and explore the value of industrial innovation.

During the meeting, Mr. Wu Qun emphasized that high quality and stable growth will replace low-quality explosive growth. This is the inevitable path for industries and enterprises. Upholding product quality and talent development are the cornerstones of Yuwell. By enhancing the overall, global, and long-term perspectives, staying true to the original intention, firmly committing to cooperative victories, and adhering to a long-term approach, we believe that our partners can achieve mutual success and share the future with Yuwell.

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Wu Qun, Chairman of Yuwell Medical

Explore new productive forces of quality, drive product upgrades with technological innovation.

The respiratory therapy sector, as one of Yuwell's longest standing and strongest core tracks, unveiled innovative products such as oxygen generators, ventilators, and atomizers at the meeting. Among them, the new generation of flagship oxygen generator 9F-5ZW will be exhibited for the first time during the CMEF and sold in the official flagship store online. Zhao Shuai, Deputy General Manager of Yuwell Medical, emphasized that Yuwell will adhere to the strategic direction of respiratory care, focusing on user-centric approaches, exploring health needs, and overcoming core technological challenges to provide a continuous source of endogenous power for the high-quality development of medical services.

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Zhao Shuai, Vice General Manager of Yuwell Medical

Wang Lihua, deputy general manager of Yuwell Medical and chairman of Yuwell POCTech, mentioned that the Yuwell diagnostic sector needs to seize the opportunities of the market and the times. We will further increase R&D investment and personnel training, continue to optimize iterative products, and start the construction of new automated production lines and lay a solid foundation for rapid business growth. In 2024, Yuwell will introduce a range of diabetes and chronic disease monitoring products, as well as wearable devices, to offer personalized health management solutions for healthcare professionals and end-users.

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Wang Lihua, Vice General Manager of Yuwell Medical and Chairman of Yuwell POCTech

Jing Wei, Vice General Manager of Yuwell Medical and Chairman of Jiangsu Xunjie, shared the work direction and product layout of Yuwell PRIMEDIC in the next five years: to create the first domestic emergency ecology in China, and develop the most comprehensive first aid scenario solutions. From 2024 to 2025, a series of new products under the full-category ecosystem of Yuwell PRIMEDIC will be successively launched. In the future, Yuwell PRIMEDIC will uphold the mission of "saving lives everywhere" and contribute to the advancement of the human first aid industry.

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Jing Wei, Vice General Manager of Yuwell Medical and Chairman of Jiangsu Xunjie

Accelerate the expansion of overseas territory and deepen domestic omni-channel marketing.

Based on the outstanding performance of product and brand strength in international business, Wang Rui, General Manager of Yuwell Medical's Overseas Business Department, mentioned that the company has established over 50 channel agents in regions including Southeast Asia, the Middle East, North Africa, the CIS, Eastern Europe, Latin America, Western Europe, and North America. It also set up subsidiaries and offices in Thailand, Italy, Germany, the United States, and other places. During the event, Yuwell announced the launch of a billion-level plan for new overseas products in 2026 and introduced multidimensional initiatives to collaborate with partners for mutual success.

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Wang Rui, General Manager of Overseas Business Department of Yuwell Medical

As the first brand of household medicine, Yuwell Medical will continue to strengthen the C-end strategy, focus on the core track. It strengthens the user's mind of "Yuwell Diagnosis" and "Respiratory Therapy" and enhance Yuwell's brand marketing power and user preference in the two major sectors of diagnosis and respiration. Xu Nanxuan, the deputy general manager of Yuwell Medical, stated that the company will prioritize strategic partnerships, implement a comprehensive omnichannel marketing plan, and expand market share on key platforms, building a billion-level club program. At the same time, the company will take the user as the center, building integrated omnichannel sales terminals, constructing  self-management scenarios for patients' families. Meanwhile, The company will actively pursue the development of core clinical technologies to deliver world-class product solutions for patients and healthcare professionals.

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Xu Nanxuan, Deputy General Manager of Yuwell Medical

In the process of "going to sea with high quality" of Chinese brands, the policy of mutual benefit and win-win cooperation, as well as the ecological system of opening and prosperity, are key forces in accelerating business globalization. Yuwell Medical will continue to drive scientific and technological innovation, expand collaboration areas, and gather global resources. We will collectively build, create, and share an innovative ecosystem for medical and healthcare, aiming to enhance the influence of domestic medical devices in the global market.

Jiangsu yuyue Medical Equipment & Supply Co., Ltd | all rights reserved 蘇ICP備11035535號(hào) 網(wǎng)站聲明 互聯(lián)網(wǎng)藥品信息服務(wù)資格證書[(蘇)-非經(jīng)營(yíng)性-2017-0004] 蘇公網(wǎng)安備 32118102000056號(hào)

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